Proof of the Creator's Existence

These are three Principles found in the Universe. 1. Nothing is created by itself 2. The primordial causes are limited (definite) in number, i.e. that they all depend on a first cause that was not preceded by any other. 3. Everything that is composite was necessarily created. Proof for Principle #1 Every being that is brought into existence must conform to one of these two: a) He created himself or b)Another being created him If we say that (a) he created himself then the following must be true: i. he was created before his existence ii. he was created after his existence Analyzing these two (i. & ii) show us that they are impossible. If he was created after his existence, then he created nothing because he already existed. If he was created before his existence, then we speak of nothing. Nothing can do nothing, because it is nothing. Thus, it holds that he did not create himself, and another being created him. Therefore, every being that comes into existence is not created by itself. Proof for Principle #2 That which has no beginning also does not have an end. Therefore, that which has an end also has a beginning. (We know this from mathematics, i.e. a straight line versus a circle). It is impossible for the infinite to reach a terminal point. Knowing that all of the elements of this world are finite they must have an absolute beginning. This is due to the fact that the primordial causes cannot continue infinitely (having a beginning). Also, a whole is comprised of parts. Therefore, that which does not have an end (infinite) cannot have parts. This is because a part is a measurement of a whole and if the whole is infinite, one cannot take infinity out of infinity. (try dividing by zero) Consider all of the human beings from the beginning. (whether from evolution or creation). They are all finite beings. If that is true, then the world is also finite because it is comprised of human beings. Since the world is finite, then it necessarily has a beginning, a first cause. Hence, every finite thing as a first cause. Thus we have proved Principle #2 Proof for Principle #3 Everything that is composite was necessarily created. Composite things are comprised of diverse components. These components preceded the composite thing. (This is seen in evolution and genetics). Also, the cause of these components is before them and is outside of the dimension of time. Thus, that which is the initiator has no cause and that which has no cause has no beginning. Therefore, that which has no beginning also has no end. (Infinite). Hence, that which has an end is not eternal and was created, since there is no middle ground between creation and eternity. In conclusion, that which is composite was necessarily created. You may be asking yourself why these Principles are important. Well, consider that fact that everything that we know in this vast Universe is finite, thereby conforming to these 3 Principles. That which is the Cause of all causes, Infinite, outside of time, and omnipresent is Who I know to be the Creator.
