

Darkhé HaGuemará

Isaac ben Jacob Canpanton (1360-1463) (יקנפנט ןון) was a Sephardic Hakham who lived during the dark ages of Ferrant Martinez and Vicente Ferrer; At which time Talmudic erudition waned within Sepharadian circles, for which Hakham Canpanton wrote this most important work to study the Talmud, according to the methodology of the Sefaradis ('Iyún). This methodology of 'Iyún had previously been applied to the study of secular literature and philosophy. The Sepharad geonim implemented it to the study of the Gemara, thus becoming experts in their language and analysis. Among the disciples of Hakham Canpanton were: Samuel Ibn Sadillo Al-Valensi, Isaac Aboab and Isaac de León. He died in Peñafiel in the year 1463.

Tus Amores
This work explores various concepts of marriage within the context of Jewish tradition. The author analyzes love in the Tanakh, explores and exposes the phenomenon of divorce, explains precisely the laws of the marriage contract and exposes a critical analysis of the taboo of sex. The work evokes emotions and thoughts as it does "Shir Ha-Shirim". At the end of his presentation, the author describes marriage ceremonies within the tradition of Spanish-Portuguese Jews. This book is absolutely necessary for all those contemplating marriage and also for married couples who have lost the vision of marriage.

Minhat Elé'azar

MINHATH ELEAZAR: Manual de los Ritos y Costumbres de los Sefaradies Occidentales (Spanish Edition)

Minhat Elé'azar is a manual of the rites and customs of Spanish-Portuguese Jews in Spain. It is the first time in 400 years that this type of work appears in Spanish. 

Manual de Shehitáh
Practical Manual of the laws of Shehitah in Spanish available here.

Refutación de los dogmas cristianos

This work was originally prepared by Hakham Hasday Crescas in Spain after the forced conversions for those converts who embraced the Catholic faith voluntarily. The original work (Catalan) was lost and only survived the Hebrew translation (17th century). This is the translation to Spanish from the Hebrew original. Find it by clicking here


Yehonatan Elazar-DeMota | Scribd
Yehonatan Elazar-DeMota has uploaded 35 documents on Scribd.

Yehonatan Elazar-DeMota | T.M.C. Asser Institute - Academia.edu
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Torah Classes in Spanish according to Spanish & Portuguese Tradition in the Youtube Channel

Obadyah Alliance