Hebrew vs Greek thought

Have you ever heard the phrase, "Don't judge a book by its cover?" Of course! This phrase denotes the natural tendency to judge others by their outer appearance. There are two approaches that one can take, being opposites of each other in this regards: The Greek or the Hebrew. The highest form of truth for the Hebrews is perceived at the auditory level. When one hears, one also understands, acknowledges, and learns. For the Greeks, the highest form of expression is through the visual. Hence, the Greek civilization is characterized by the outer aspect of reality in the arts and religion. While the Greek mind focuses on aesthetics, the Hebrew mind seeks to relate through speech and communication. If you really want to know someone, listen to his or her words, and analyze his or her actions. Hence, after someone passes away, the Greeks mourn the dead and cry over the body. The Hebrews cover their dead with shrouds, in order to emphasize the importance of character, i.e. the soul (inner essence). Are you a Greek or a Hebrew?
